Affordable Housing Preservation Symposium 2020:
Old Challenges, New Techniques
Don't miss joining your colleagues in learning new ways to negotiate the challenges of providing affordable housing in a new decade. Expansion of HUD's Rental Assistance Demonstration program for public, elderly and family housing, increased funding for Section 8 rental assistance and proposed improvements to the affordable housing tax credit program along with new financing techniques will help alleviate the pressure. Private and public sector experts and policy makers will discuss the latest updates on these and other developments. Check out our agenda and speakers, and register today!
We are hosted by the Roosevelt Hotel at 45 East 45th at Madison Avenue.
The Institute for Responsible Housing Preservation is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
799 9th Street, NW - Suite 500 - Washington DC - 20001 - 202-737-0019 -